Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 1

Half of my day 1 was spent in the hospital. I was visited by my surgery team (the residents) minus the main surgeons and they proceeded to shine a bunch of penlights in my face poke around my mouth and band it shut with rubber bands to get the bite set. Breakfast was brought, but I wasn't hungry at all. I made myself keep syringing some water into my mouth though because they said I wouldn't be able to be discharged if I was too dehydrated. I was wheeled downstairs to the oral maxillofacial wing of the hospital where I waited for some x-rays to be taken. I can't believe my bite is actually together! Though my doctor says I'll need at least another year of braces to make it align properly, but that's fine because the hard part is in the process of being put behind me.

Missing that oxygen mask

I had an oxygen mask which was really nice because it dried me out and made it easier to breath. I wish I had one of those at home.

 My parents came back at around 11:30ish. They talked to me and told me what I didn't remember about my surgery  - namely that it took 5 hours with the most time spent on my upper jaw where three surgeons worked to make everything align. I don't even want to imagine what that would look like. I'm glad I was knocked out so fast.

They say I have more of a chin, but I feel too swollen to even process that idea. I mean, the size of my lips (#kyliejennerchallengewinner)!

Two of my doctors came to make sure everything looked good and see if we had any questions and then they said they'd fill out the paperwork for discharge!

My sister face timed me and we were able to communicate pretty well even though I was basically grunting.  My dad showed her around the room. Finally I was discharged and wheeled out to the parking lot. I managed to tell my dad to not brake suddenly as he had when we were driving to the hospital the other day. I fell asleep in the car a bit and then we were home and I was excited to try all of the liquids I had gotten. I liked the V8 and the chicken broth the best. My main concern is just staying hydrated right now.

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