Monday, September 29, 2014


Welp, for future reference to anyone out there, AcceleDent is not effective. It was such a waste of money and now that my surgeon says my teeth won't be ready until May 2015, I've stopped using it all together. I hate being swindled and I hate incompetency, and now I'm fed up with this whole orthodontics process. My teeth are yellow, my gums are ulcered to the extreme at certain points, there are random gaps in my teeth, I'm paranoid about cavities... It's a stressful process and the fact that it's been prolonged by six months is frustrating.

As a side note though, I have noticed more people than you'd expect to see with braces, so I'm not really sure what their stories are, but it's interesting. I'm not sure if I notice them because of the fact that I'm more attuned to noticing braces based on my situation, or if there really has been an increase in college-aged kids with braces.

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